"can't the future just wait?"
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 8, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: "can't the future just wait?"
imsoclueless Seniori have a new phone, but i most likely won't have any privacy with it-
i like, legit would not be surprised if my mom searched thru it multiple times, like-
so f---ing fun, amirite?? :') -
imsoclueless Seniori may just have to pretend i don't have a phone with one of my friends-
bc i love her dearly, like i srsly do, she's an amazing friend and i want to be able to text her n stuff,
but she sometimes swears (which i don't mind, but my mother sure would-)
and she's bi, and will at some point bring up smth abt it, or lgbtq+ related and my mother is kinda sorta homophobic??
altho i mean, like, i have a gay uncle, so like- why???
idfk- -
imsoclueless Seniorit's one reason why i wish i didn't have a phone, bc ik my parents are going to moderate and monitor literally EVERYTHING i do- like, i love them dearly, but come ON-
imsoclueless Seniori hope that they don't constantly ask me what i'm doing on my phone,
i hope they don't look at my msgs,
i hope they don't literally stalk everything i do,
i just want some f---ing privacy, man :') -
imsoclueless Seniori've just been having a day, haven't i?? ^^'
imsoclueless Senior
i just thought this was funny, tbh xD -
imsoclueless Seniori wanna know what f---ing restrictions my mom put on my damn phone, bc i can't play this game that's LITERALLY A KIDS GAME THAT I'VE PLAYED BEFORE-
i'm so f---ing pissed rn- -
imsoclueless Seniorthis is why i didn't want a f---ing phone
i can't do ANYTHING on it, like-
and my parents will just end up monitoring ever single thing i do! i'm just- so tired of this s---... -
imsoclueless Seniorlike, it's so f---ing dumb,
and they don't trust me with s---.
which is why, in turn, i don't trust them with s---.
if they're gonna stalk every little thing i do,
then i'm gonna keep hiding s--- and keep doing things they don't f---ing want me to.
a--holes. -
imsoclueless Seniorlike, i love my parents dearly, but if they're not going to put any trust in me,
i'm not putting any trust in them.
i already don't tell them abt my love life (even tho that's nonexistent-)
and i don't tell them abt GTQ, so-
why tf would i start now, if they're just going to keep restricting me and not trusting me. -
imsoclueless Seniori need to take a shower, but i hate those.
i have to do things, and i have to look at my body-
but i don't want to look all gross when i go to youth and when i sing-
ugh... -
imsoclueless Seniori'm too scared to even give my friend my number, like-
i want to, i really do, but if my mom sees literally anything abt the lgbtq+ community or sees her cuss?
it's all f---ing over, and i'm gonna lose my ever-loving mind... -
imsoclueless Seniori'm so tired-
i feel kind of, burnt out?? idk- -
imsoclueless Seniorf---, i did a thing-
and now i can't get rid of it, s---- -
imsoclueless Seniormy stupid gmail won't let me log in without a phone number to get a verification code from,
but i can't do that without my parents finding out,
and now i can't delete my c.ai account- s---.
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