Safe Place
- Locked due to inactivity on Feb 4, '24 3:54am
Thread Topic: Safe Place
so the shark is fine; a strong brute with a desperation to be seen as a hero and soak in approval from the false angels (although ima make the angels hate him just cuz, thats where his need and desperate perspective for attention from them will stem)
now im making an oc themed around air. i think ill make it very distantly related to the false angels because it harbors a spirit of air, therefore carrying a bit of both the appearance and occasionally traits. the false angels' traits and appearance are themed around an antagonist's theme however, and the protagonists are supposed to be the "heroes of the story", so ill have to blend it a bit -
im still working on the characters' appearance AND personality. i want to shift both good and bad character traits in their
thinking on people, people are naturally born evil, but their morals are shifted by what they think, say, and act. the water element, being desperate for attention, would be themed around sort of a boxy/tough demeanor in a brutish form of way due to him being the main trivial to the false angels despite him practically carrying the prophecy but performing all the acts of violence
obviously im still working on it. i dont want my chars to sound perfect/mary sue-ish, i just want them to be decently toned personality-wise yet having a stark line drawn from each of them to be able to distinguish their differences -
so, water. overtrusting of what he hears, tough, brute, desperate to soak up attention/attention seeker
air. intelligent, skeptical, selfish, anti-social/opinionated on everything, good memory
now ill probs still mend and tinker with it a bit. something seems a bit off with them -
i can still access gtq from the 3ds oh lawd (using these ungodly gtq wretchedness bc normal emojis dont work on 3ds rip)
its so much nostalgia, both in a good way and a not so good way. not so good bc the q, a, and z keys dont work so i have to keep copy and pasting and its BREAKING MY FINGERS -
wait nvm the gtq emojis dont show up on here thank the heavens
man i must have had buff fingers 2 years ago, im concerned about my wrist's wellbeing rn
I can still see the emojis-
i miss times like these ngl. everything seems so short and simple on here
i miss waking up to a bunch of short and simple posts. i miss how active the forums used to be and the people all of us were
i miss never having to feel like i was being a burden by typing paragraph after paragraph because a sentence felt like a paragraph alone. i miss having those short one word conversations, those funny faces we'd all spam, the severity of how 2021 felt when it passed around and took 2020's place. this site literally saved me during quarantine and its grown on me since. i really don't know if that's a good thing because now im stuck on how good the little things felt when everyone was active on here and it was bustling with activity -
rip late post ;_;
3ds is blind asf LOL, its been spared from gtq's unfathomable emojis -
Now I'm tempted to spam so when you're using a different device your eyes suffer the horrendous yellow faces -
*crashes through your window* yeah I'm nostalgic for the old days of GTQ too, this place used to be my main spot on the Internet and I would spend so much time on rps in the Stage and chatting w you guys đź’› now it feels like we're growing up and apart from GTQ kinda which is natural but still kinda sad
no please spare me the consequences cataracts for 3ds feels like a blessing as long as it serves as a holy antidote against the horrification of yellow site faces
I********* MY GRAMMAR :(
*crashes through your window* yeah I'm nostalgic for the old days of GTQ too, this place used to be my main spot on the Internet and I would spend so much time on rps in the Stage and chatting w you guys đź’› now it feels like we're growing up and apart from GTQ kinda which is natural but still kinda sad
fr, quarantine was basically the glue holding us all together which at the time didn't seem like a huge thing but looking back it was. i used to always come back home so excited to get on gtq and check up on everyone, that was always the main mental treat of my day. people grow apart which really hurts and its rlly hard to accept especially when once everyone had such a huge bond and could just pop in whenever. i used to rp so much but now i barely rp at all lol, looking in the stage i see its pretty much the same for others
now new users are arriving, old users randomly popped into the void, and the ones remaining are the ones who stuck around because they miss the golden era of gtq
i used to not think how the stone age gtq (2011-2018 gtq) felt for the older users but now i think abt how or what they miss from that era
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