Dancing In The Rain
Thread Topic: Dancing In The Rain
Although I have a healthy respect for potholes now
On the bright side it was interesting
So apparently I am VERY much afraid of this thing, because I was hyperventilating and freaking out but I still did it and it felt good to face that fear
Although it was pretty extreme and I was frickin terrified it was definitely worth it
*sips tea* You know when people say "If you won't respect me, I won't respect you" but what they ACTUALLY mean is "If you don't treat me like a figure of authority, I won't treat you like a person"
Anyways I genuinely am doing good lately, tired but good -
Don't you hate it when everyone's talking and having fun and in their own little group and you're just the outsider trying to fit in the conversation where it's possible but it's not really working and each failed attempt makes you feel worse
I'm so much more affectionate to my cat then other people because I won't get looked at weird or questioned, he'll just accept it and pretty much tolerate and that's not really something I can say about everyone
Also I know it can be offensive if I choose to stay inside and relax rather than hang out with someone, but they just have to show that their company is better than my comfort zone and that's the case for a lot of people
Apparently I'm more introverted then extroverted which would have been kinda shocking before but thinking about it, nah fam. I think I've always been like this
Like even as a littol child, once in a while I would tell my friends I needed a quick break and then I'd go away to be myself for a little bit and they didn't act like I was weird or anything, they just kinda accepted it -
Honestly who would believe me though
I know people will say to reach out when I'm feeling sad, but I don't want to feel like a burden. I don't want to be the negative person in someone's life who always has a problem or always needs attention. I can't do it
I don't even have words anymore
Techno's gone, I think I'm gonna cry
I don't normally cry but I cried when I watched the video, this sucks so much
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