Another Venting Thing
Thread Topic: Another Venting Thing
That death is just a resting place.
Hey Cham. I know you don't want to hear it, but it hardly seems like it could hurt at this point. I genuinely like you. You are such a sweet, caring person, and I'll do anything I can to help you. Please get in contact with me if you need to talk.
Cham, are you ok?
Hell no this thread is almost 100 pages long
I'm sorry for ruining everything s--- I'm sorry -
My gmail is [no emails]
It's just remove the second period. Please talk to me if you're upset.
I’m not asking for help again sorry
Now I just have to fix my face after crying s---
Also thanks guys for offering to talk <3
I’m gonna be so sad when Paco’s gone
I mean that’s all I can say. I’m scared that when I eventually go off to college I’ll never see him again -
Something pissed me off today but I can’t remember what it was
What's wrong? Is everything okay? :(
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