My vent on the human race
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:27pm
Thread Topic: My vent on the human race
Right now I don't even know where to begin. When I say the word hate, and I probably will a few times, I mean it as strongly dislike, not hate but not dislike. This will probably make me look like such a hippie-ish person but I don't care.
So I was at the pet store to get some food for my cat and I come across the birds and reptiles admiring them in their cages. And I begin to think. These creatures, so adorable, so harmless, and yet we keep them in cages clip their wings, keep them in conditions they were meant for. This is so cruel and inhumane, and we do it all the time with our pets. As much as I love my animals they aren't meant to live this way, they should be free.
Now for those who think, "who cares they are just stupid little animals and we are the superior being" here's some food for thought. What if you were being held in a cage, had your vocal cords clipped, had your reproductive system destroyed. Do you seriously think you would enjoy that?
Next is the ignorance. I hate how people now-a-days refuse to educate themselves on the simplest of matters. It's frustrating and aggravating to no end when you try to tell people and they just go "nope, I don't want to hear about it lalalalalala". I used to be like that but being taught on what happens behind the scenes of how my meat got on the plate changed my mind and opened everything for me.
Yes I'm going to use my vegetarian agreement because it's important to me. My friend Joe, we've been friends since second grade, was sitting at my lunch table and started making fun of my life choice to be a vegetarian. So the next day I grabbed a pamphlet about veganism and gave it to him at lunch to read. Quite literally he grabbed it, looked at the cover then threw it away. I got it back out even showed him picture to which he laughed at and said he didn't care and didn't want to know anything about it.
Next thing is our own self-inflicted eminate deaths. I believe in evolution, so this is the route I'm going to be talking in. Do you know how fragile our planet was at the beginning of its creation? And how lucky we are to be here because of the sheer luck of conditions our planet had? We happened to come into existence and look at what we are giving back to the planet that we live on that led to our existence. We give it pollution. We destroy anything we don't like and we keep destroying things whether we care or not. It's disturbing to think that we made animals go extinct because of sport. It's disgusting to think of the things that we are polluting our oceans and lands with. If there really is such a thing as mother earth then she surely does get permission to destroy us all for what we've done to her. -
Also, most humans think that they are the most high and mightiest people because of the intelligence that we were gifted with. No you're not. Most people that think those things are the ones who don't have any intelligence, the not so very smart people of our race.
Yep, the arrogance of mankind knows no bound.
Animals have no soul.
Dear Reason,
Eat glass and die. A dog would care more about you than you would a dog. So who has no soul here?
Barberbob2 & Carri04 -
IHLAOY NewbieOh come now, does anyone here actually believe this guy? Really?
First up, animals aren't sapient. That isn't to say that we should be cruel to them, but the 'how would you feel' argument is severely flawed when we take that fact into mind. Also, Barber, a dog would also kill and eat me if it were starving in the wild, circumstances make the point. Moving on though, concepts such as freedom are hard to define for creatures that can never actually know that they are free.
Those lizards and birds you saw in the petshop would die in the wild, and are only kept alive by the mercy and interest of man. Can your pet dog forage and kill to survive, or has it grown dependent on YOU, a man, for food?
And those animals that are already in the wild, can they not be tamed? Can they not be taught the mercy of man? So that they need not kill for survival, or group together in fear through the long nights?
You may call it slavery. I call it mercy. Call it protection from the cruel lashes of 'mother nature,' who decrees that they should fight for their very survival.
Oh look, you've got me into romantic prose mode.
Moving on. Your personal opinions in life don't mean jack horse apples. Learn to take a joke. If your belief is so weak that a close friend ribbing on you is enough to make you doubt yourself and try to 'educate' him, perhaps your belief isn't that strong at all.
Moving on, and oh boy I've been waiting for this one. 'Mother Earth.' What a joke. If 'mother earth' existed, she'd be a real b----. You may call it luck that got us here, but that would be discrediting that millions of people who died advancing humanity. Who died fighting against 'mother earth.' We were outmatched on every front, weapons, strength, numbers, every advantage that could be given to a foe was stacked against us.
And humanity survived.
It has continued to survive. And it will continue to survive long after 'mother earth' is dead. It was not luck that got us here, it was determination and grit. And blood, a lot of blood.
If 'mother earth' did exist, than I imagine this was exactly what she would have wanted. Not a race of wusses, too afraid of injuring her to reach for the skies, but a race of man, of humankind, that wasn't afraid of killing themselves and everything else in the advance of SCIENCE! Did you know the large hadron collider could have killed everyone? And MAN, not nature, turned it on? AND MAN, NOT SOME ANIMAL, IMAGINED IT INTO BEING? AND MAN, IN ALL HIS FLAWS AND STRENGTHS AND INTELLIGENCE, WHO RIPPED WHAT HE NEEDED FROM MOTHER EARTH TO SURVIVE UNTIL HE WAS STRONGER THAN MOTHER EARTH HERSELF, WHO SURVIVED THE DINOSAURS, THE METEOR, THE RING OF FIRE, THE BIBLICAL FLOOD, THE TEN PLAGUES, THE BLACK DEATH, THE MONGOL HORDES, POLIO, THE ATLANTIC OCEAN, EVERY SINGLE DISASTER THAT 'MOTHER EARTH' THREW AT US, NEVER LAID DOWN ONCE FOR MOTHER EARTH.
Why should we start now?
When mankind has conquered the stars, I hope they look back down at Earth and truly realize what it did for them.
It gave them motivation. It gave them conflict. It gave them a reason to get up the in the morning, if only to say "Screw you death, I am not leaving yet!"
Because it was only through this determination that we got so far in the first place.
After all, what progress ever came from lack of conflict?
Purple prose mode, and IHLAOY, out. -
A person would probably kill and eat another person if it were starving too.
"Can your pet dog forage and kill to survive, or has it grown dependent on YOU, a man, for food?"
My dogs can kill other animals to survive. One of them has killed birds, shrews, and a bunny, so she hasn't grown dependent on me for food.
How is the "how would you feel" flawed? Animals have feelings too. They feel pain, love, hate, and other emotions. Which believes me to think that you've never had an animal, which would explain a lot.
If Mother Earth is dead, then so are you and everything else on earth. -
Just wanted to let you know, I'm a girl.
We've made them dependent, their purpose isn't to be reliant on someone, they aren't parasites. Maybe if we didn't cage them and capture them for our self entertainment and enjoyment. Please tell me how the "how would you feel" argument is flawed. Mercy of man? Men barely have any mercy to each other, how could they possibly show mercy to animals? Why should those wild animals be tamed? It's like someone asking you not to be yourself, to refine your personality to the most mundane thing. And fighting for your life is even ingrained in us, it's a great evolutionary trait because no one wants to just sit there and die.
Am I asking you to care about my personal opinions to heart? No. The whole list above is my personal opinion, and you're taking a matter in that right now. I know how to take a joke, me and him tease each other everyday, but this was just too far for me. How could that possibly be a joke? He just blatantly said that he doesn't care, that's not a joke. Yes I showed him the pictures but I tried not to press any further because I've found that when you try to educate people on things behind the curtain they become ignorant and don't care. It's kinda like a Christian trying to convert an atheist, there are so little chances that that would ever happen.
Continuing, I'm not doubting myself at all, what in that paragraph lead you to believe that I doubted myself? I'm still a vegetarian, I'm not eating meat am I? No.
You may think something different about this but I like the ways of Native American thinking. We came from this earth, why would we destroy it? And you know what life's a b---- but we live it everyday.
I'm not discrediting them I'm, pointing out where we have started from, the beginning point, not how things have progressed. Why should we even be fighting against mother nature? We live on the earth every single day and we are fighting it. That seems kinda backwards to me. We should be cherishing the place we live on for the people in the future that will further our race even more.
Alright, view me as a wuss I don't care. But I'm not going to die for some race I just really don't give too s---s about. So she want bloodthirsty maniacs killing to better themselves? Warriors to enslave and rule over everything? Yes, I do know that.
Did you know that destroyed power plants destroy our food source, our oceans, kill people every single day because of science. Yes I love science, I think it's fantastic and wonder some, but not at the cost of innocent lives. I'm not an idiot, I know humans themselves turned on the machine.
Hold on, one question. Why are you yelling? It's very unnecessary. I get it, some people get enraptured in their speeches, but seriously, there is no reason to yell.
Human beings are animals. We evolved from animals, we have the basic inhibitions as animals do. Create an experiment in the name of science. Have a person go live in the wild, with no help of food, clothing, weapons, for at least five years. Track them down and see the animal that has become.
Why can't we just share, why do we have to take? People now-a-days and I'm sure we as a race have always been like this, just take even if it's not given. We want what we can't have and yet we still find a way, even a brutal bloody way, to have it.
Yes, we managed to survive. Yes we are a very head-strong race set on surviving no matter what. That's why we fight, we have wars, we disagree, we dislike things/people and create a genocide to get rid of them. And that is why we are not only strong, but we are hateful. I'm not telling you to lie down and die. I'm telling you that we shouldn't bite the hand that feeds. The Native Americans lived in peace with natural only taking what they needed. Coinciding with the land and animals as if they were one, not separate beings.
I have such a hard time with that, conquer. We weren't even meant to survive in the stars. There is no need to conquer the stars. Why should we. They aren't pieces of land that we can live on and control. The universe is astronomical compared to us, not to mention that it's so much more powerful than us. Why should we force our ways to the top of everything, be dominate over everything? -
Animals in captivity often live longer than animals in the Wild,just saying.
Overall I agree with what you are saying,it rips my heart out when I see dogs tied up outside in the hot sun with no food >.> or people who think they have no feelings,it's like..ugh. -
I only read like half of this.
But all I have to say is....
Do animals feel embarrassment too? -
yes. Animals can get embarrassed. -
IHLAOY NewbieOh come now, 'no one wants to sit there and wait to die?' That sentence sums up 90% of the human race! That sums up just about every animal on the planet! How can you honestly think that something like, say a fish, is doing anything but wait to die? Most likely by being eaten by something bigger than it!
By mercy of man I mean we are releasing them from the cruelty of the wild! A cow doesn't need to fight to eat, nor die when infection strikes it, nor freeze when the winter storms take it. Isn't that what you want? For animals to live an easy existence, where their lives aren't constantly in the balance? You can't possibly imply that life HAS to be cruel and needlessly dangerous. Yes, fighting for survival is ingrained in all creatures, but MAN ALONE has outgrown that! And man alone has decided that life doesn't need to revolve around surviving one more day.
And for the record, yes, those wild animals should be tamed, because there is now an easier way for them to live! In the same that you teach a man to fish and he never goes hungry, so too if you tame an animal does he never starve.
Yes, man can be cruel on his own, but the good he does much outweighs the bad!
Now for the wopper, since everyone seems to be coming back to this. The 'how would you feel' question. Despite the fact that I ALREADY ANSWERED IT! IN MY FIRST POST! ANIMALS! AREN'T! SAPIENT! You cannot compare a thinking, speaking human to a creature that cannot think nor speak! A goldfish has a memory of three seconds. It cannot form memories, it cannot make logical deductions. It's memory is so slow that it wouldn't even realize if it's water was slowly boiled around it. It cannot care, nor even realize, that man is literally the only reason it is still alive!
But that's moving the goalpost, DOGS! Wild dogs! Put your hand up if you think that a wolf does anything but follow his instincts. Because that is the defining difference in this argument. An animal bases his decisions on instinct, a man bases his decisions on logic. It isn't cruel to change a dogs instinct, so long as you do it in the dogs best interest., it is incredibly cruel to change a mans logic.
THAT, is why the argument is flawed. Because you cannot compare INSTINCT, a FIXED PATTERN in response to stimuli, to INTELLIGENCE, the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skill.
(Also, just between you and me, Apollo, look up what Anecdotal Evidence means in the context of a debate.)
Moving on, you seem to misunderstand what I'm interpreting as the joke. Your friend throwing away the pamphlet, while funny, wasn't the joke. It should never have gotten to that point to begin with. The blame of that situation lies on YOU, who overreacted to your friends initial JOKE, which was apparently so cruel and unneeded that you took the time out of your day to find, transport and deliver an entire pamphlet to him. It was a joke! Who does that in response to a joke? Laugh and walk away! Or joke back about his terrible haircut! Don't sperg out I am and try to 'school' him on your beliefs! That just makes YOU look bad, and shallow and like you can't talk a joke.
And I assumed you were doubting yourself for the same reason specified above; that a single joke was enough to spur you to Jevoha Witness levels of lecturing.
LET ME BEING BY SAYING THAT I AM YELLING BECAUSE IT IS 4:00 IN THE MORNING AND IT MAKES MY WORDS EASIER TO READ! Now the question I have here is, where do I begin? Do I start at the beginning? Or do I start at the bottom, at the real meat of the problem, and work up?
'Why should man conquer the stars?'
For the same reason that man conquered the earth, and the seas, and the mountains, and the valleys and the skies and the streets. Because he could. Because man is not a race to sit still and go silently into the night. Man is not a race to stare at an ocean and say 'damn, I have reached my limits.' Man is not a race to look at the universe, in all its splendor and power, and be content with the small ball it has. It was always too small for us.
'Man wasn't meant to survive the stars.' They said the same about the sky, and we built planes. They said the same about the frozen wastes, and we thrived. They said the same about the ocean, and we probe its depths. Please don't use this as a rational for why man can't control the stars.
And now it's my turn to take offense. 'Dominate?' Man 'dominates?' Man alone brings meaning to the universe, by that virtue it is already his! Without man, there would be nothing TO dominate! It is only through man that the universe can be, for man is the only thinking being in it! To imply that man dominates is to imply that there can be a universe without man in it!
I know it's hard to understand, so I shall try to simplify; Man exists, and observes the universe. Since he is the only creature in existence to do so, that makes the universe his. To sit in one small planet on it is wasteful to the gifts he's been given! Whether he makes the right or wrong decisions, they are his to make, by virtue of him being the only sapient being; and the only one that can make them.
Moving up, the native american's lived in peace with the land isn't a great motto for protecting the earth when most of the native american's were wiped out by virus and disease. Diseases the migrants were immune to, due to their urge and will to keep travelling the globe, building immunities as they went. And this section of the argument is one I'd like to, respectfully, pass over. Due to my limited knowledge on native american's, as well as the all around touchy subject, I feel any opinion I give here will be unfounded.
Passing over this paragraph too, for obvious reasons. Reason's being; it adds nothing to the argument but lament on the human races greed and pad out the argument.
Yes, human beings are animals, but, as I've mentioned, WE'VE GROWN PAST THAT! Animals operate on instinct; man on knowledge. A modern man dropped into the woods and forced to survive would prove nothing, save that he had the knowledge on how to do so. A modern man dropped into the wild would be at a disadvantage, as you've taken away his only advantage! Knowledge! The cornerstone of human brilliance!
Did you know that functional power plants support millions, perhaps even a full billion people each year? And that sustained agriculture has supported a billion more? And that genetically engineered food, vaccinations, running water, improved medical research and improvements in transportation are saving millions, AT THIS VERY SECOND? And did you know that the last major nuclear power plant failure was nine years ago and only killed a 'mere' five people? (http:(slashslash) Science is pretty great, isn't it? It would be a real shame if someone wanted to remove all these things just because 'mother earth' didn't like them.
I'm not saying these things justify the occasional accident, but you need to understand that they're just that; accidents! Like a bee sting or a car crash. Blaming the car for breaking and spilling oil is idiotic when man is the one behind the wheel. And man...has accidents some times. It isn't perfect.
I never asked you to die for some race you didn't care about, only to consider the possibility that maybe...just maybe...'mother earth' doesn't need our help. That just maybe...this was how she wanted things. After all, if she didn't, why would she try to kill us at every stop of the way?
Besides, stop worrying so much, time only exists while man is around to observe it. If mankind kills itself, mother nature has all of eternity to fix herself.
Again, I bring up my point from before. Mother Earth is a b----. From the very moment mankind crawled out of his cave, she's been trying to kill us. Why wouldn't we fight her? When she sent the beasts of the wild, we freed them from her grasp in -
So, so sorry, mate. Continuing on from 'Again'
Again, I bring up my point from before. Mother Earth is a b----. From the very moment mankind crawled out of his cave, she's been trying to kill us. Why wouldn't we fight her? When she sent the beasts of the wild, we freed them from her grasp in return for food. When she sent disease, we cracked the human genome and nullified them. When she sends natural disasters, we send humans in their thousands to assist the ones she's hurt. And soon, she'll lose the ability to do even that. Soon, mother nature, the cause of death and the cause of life of man, will cease to exist. And man will survive, because on that day, he will be stronger. He will storm the heavens and demand they give back the dead, he will scare the oceans into retreating back to the cracks, he will tell the sun to rise, and it will. And man, and animal, will need not fear death.
Doesn't it sound wonderful, Banana? A world, where man need not fear death. Where if he so chooses, even death will release him. It just sounds so...wonderful to me.
I can understand if you don't. Utopia is different for everyone, but it won't be found by sitting on our thumbs and hoping nature drops it into our lap. Everything in life must be earned.
And finally, to end this rant within a rant within a rant about a rant, I shall clarify myself.
My goal here is not to tell you, or try to convince you, that we should destroy the earth. That would be foolish, we live there, and it should be protected by all means. My goal here is to make you consider the possibility that maybe mankind isn't so bad. That's all I want to do.
Mankind has problems. It's occasionally greedy, it's not great with people, it doesn't think towards the future with too much effort. But mankind has strengths! He watches the universe in motion and wishes it was his, he fought back the reaper for his fellow man because, unlike an animal, he realized it could be beat, he tamed the dog and gave it new life, and the two have enjoyed much rewards for centuries because of it.
Mankind is many things, but it is not bad. After all, it's the best thinking race I know of!
(Ba dum tish.) -
"Yes, man can be cruel on his own, but the good he does much outweighs the bad!"
Bulls---. Yesterday, on the news, I saw a story of a man that put newborn puppies into a plastic bag, then dumped them on the side of the road, and it killed them. Yep, that sounds soooo good to me.
Let me just say this: dogs are better than humans. They can feel others emotions and if you are sad, they will do whatever they can to cheer you up. They only kill when needed to, whereas humans go around killing our own kind and animals because we're mad, or because we think it's fun.
Wolves play with the young pups, and teach them how to hunt and provide for the pack. That's not instinct because if it were, then they would be killing everything that moves, which they don't.
"My goal here is to make you consider the possibility that maybe mankind isn't so bad."
No, mankind is pretty f---ed up. How can you not see it?
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