Some weird things about me (that may or may not be weird)
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:24pm
Thread Topic: Some weird things about me (that may or may not be weird)
I think nearly all songs sound better pitched down or in G-Major. Or both. Yes, both.
I like all kinds of music, from songs composed mainly of farts and the grunts of Neanderthals smoking weed, to black metal, to techno, etc....
I'm sexually attracted to some animals
I love tritanopes
Things that turn me on include heterochromia, black hair, horns, strangely-colored skin (like blue or red or gray or something), men with vaginas, women with penises, hermaphrodites, reptiles, reptile features on humans, dice, multiple appendages, tritanopia, clown makeup, bees, honey, green slime, and anything World of Warcraft themed.
I eat insects with hot sauce, and use ants as sprinkles.
I keep enjoying scary media, and then at the very end wonder why the hell I keep doing that because I always freak out.
I can't eat too many mushrooms. Seriously, I eat them by the boxful.
I've always wanted to try mushroom soda.
I hate beans.
I'm so damn emotionally sensitive, I feel hurt by things even when I know fully well they're meant as jokes or even compliments. I'm very skilled at hiding this, however. I even do the very same thing, trying to get used to it. I'm not used to it, but damn it I can hide it.
I'm so damn physically sensitive, when someone talks I can feel the vibrations. Hell, when the TV is on, I can feel the sound waves from it as well. As in not just hear them, but feel them in my bones. I can pinpoint the location of a sound to a few inches. It's not all holy shit superpowers however, small sounds drive me insane and I can hear them unlike any other person, so if someone's chewing, I hear it clearly and feel the sound and it gives me a monster headache, but they aren't even aware they're making noise. Loud sounds hurt me. I have to wear earplugs all the time.
I'm also hypersensitive to light- I have to keep rooms dark to be comfortable (as in just enough visible light to read and verify that there are not monsters waiting to eat me), and have to wear sunglasses indoors if I can't change the lighting, and always while outside unless it's night. Otherwise there's a lot of excess light my eyes don't seem to be able to make sense of, and it makes things look faded. While wearing blue-blocking sunglasses the pointless light goes away AND it gets darker.
I can't see violet. Not purple, mind you- I see that as a reddish color.
I also can't see yellow-green. It's either yellow or green- never yellow-green.
I add using the Arrow Method (as I call it). Say I have 5 terms to add, and no calculator. I really don't want to whip out Sigma Notation just for 5 terms, but it's not the easiest to add straight up either. So...
What I do is: Add 5 and 13. Add 99 and 87. Draw arrows:
5 13 99 87 24
Now add 18+186
And drop in that 24 from earlier.
When counting on my fingers, I always start with my pinky.
When feeling bad, two things can cheer me up: violence and good deeds. Obviously I shouldn't kill people, so I do good things instead. And proceed to kill people in video games. They both work equally in making me feel better.
I'm freaking gullible. Mainly for the same reason that I can't sense sarcasm.
I never feel good enough. There's always someone doing it better, someone who's more worthy of praise, someone who's not as ugly, etc.
I don't understand the obsession with money and profit. I like having money because I need it to buy things like food and whatnot, but while everyone is thinking about entering a career for the money, that's the last thing I think about and I find it rather absurd that money is so important in our society.
Hypothetical situation time. Let's say 30 people are in a room, and there are 29 packages of candy, with 30 candies in each one. Most people's logic is to give up their package, or to say "Well, sucks for them" and take their package. Well, mine is to immediately grab all of the packages, pour out the candy, and- since there are 870 pieces of candy total- evenly split up the candy, giving each person 29 candies.
I really like tritanopes.
God I love tritanopes. -
You're very unique. I like that :>
You're awesomely weird. :3
Unique and awesome. ^^
I wish I knew people like this in person.
I have recurring dreams about:
Being a Spartan
Being a Communist revolutionary in Soviet Russia, and dealing with Stalin although I hated his guts and in some dreams speaking against him
Random Russian words and airplanes
Tritanopes (although I can see why)
Going to Mexico on a boat and then being gruesomely slaughtered with an ice pick from behind
I can read Cyrillic and Greek even though I've never studied them
I avoid Walmart whenever possible -
God damn. ._. Appa let me have your babies. D:
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