Cafe in the Rain
Thread Topic: Cafe in the Rain
I want to rot.
Nothing ever goes well for me...
At least one of my journals arrived. It's the Abysswalker one.
I think I'll use that as the journal to give to my future partner.
Am I actually a novice, or is it just the glitch?
Probably just the glitch.
I probably have too many journals
I'm waiting for my dream journal to get here. The cover looks like a dream, so it's the only appropriate thing to use it for. And the Abysswalker journal looks romantic, so I have to use it for romance.
I wonder if I'll actually ever find a husband though... -
I feel depressed.
What am I even doing?
Now what? My day was completely wasted and now I'm stressed because this stupid thing happened.
I hate you.
I hate all of them.
It wasn't even directed to them. They just assumed. I haven't even talked to them in two weeks.
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