Cafe in the Rain
Thread Topic: Cafe in the Rain
What am I doing? I might go back to bed now.
I'm panicking.
It's nothing. I know it's nothing. But I always have anxiety about food. I ate some leftovers that's 5 days old. Usually leftovers are good up to 7 days. I shouldn't be scared about getting sick since the food smelled and tasted good. I'm just anxious.
I think I'm okay, now.
If i feel bad again, I'll just take more medicine. I have as-needed anxiety meds I haven't had to use in a bit.
Wrapped in black, in black, in black
Wrapped in black
Wrapped in black -
I'm bored.
Thunder storms?
I've spent my day doing nothing in particular.
Sucks. Can't upload any more.
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