coolme3's Profile

Joined on Apr 9, 2010
Status Level: Senior
coolme3's Quizzes
- Do You Potato???[published: Apr 10, 2016]
Hello. Potatoes are nice. They make lots of yummy foods. Do you like potatoes? We shall see. Take this quiz.……
- The Burger King Quiz[published: Feb 19, 2012, 2 comments]
This quiz is going to test your knowledge about Burger King. I work there so I know way more than a natural……
- What kind of cereal are you?[published: Oct 18, 2011, 9 comments]
This quiz will show you what type of cereal you are. cereal like the kind you eat, not serial. so……
- I Feel Like Making a Quiz..[published: Aug 31, 2011, 6 comments]
Welcome to my quiz. I just kinda felt like making a quiz, which maybe you can tell from the name of……
- I make another would I date you (guys)[published: Jun 15, 2011, 26 comments]
so... you're actually reading this? most people don't so I told you this in a question, I……
- commercials!![published: Jun 12, 2011, 8 comments]
so..... this is a quiz that quizzes you on your knowledge of commercials... that's pretty neat. or maybe not....……
- this quiz is about your neighbors[published: Jun 12, 2011, 3 comments]
this quiz will tell you if you have the same neighbors as me. it's not that great of a quiz.……
- I'm bored.[published: Jun 12, 2011, 21 comments]
uhhhh so I made this quiz cuz I was bored. so ummmm take it if you want I guess. but I promise, this quiz will not……
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG[published: Feb 18, 2011, 4 comments]
hey!!! well this quiz should have been made yesterday and I was gonna make it yesterday but……
- merry Christmas gotoquiz . com![published: Dec 25, 2010, 6 comments]
hey I made a quiz for christmas. it has no point go ahead and take this quiz if you want. or……
- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRE COOL![published: Dec 09, 2010]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRE COOL!!! I made this on tre cool's birthday. fun fact: not counting myself, tre cool……
- a bunch of questions[published: Dec 04, 2010, 4 comments]
yup you can take this quiz and try to get the right answer. then you should be able to see the correct……
- very good, you win a cookie #2![published: Sep 19, 2010, 5 comments]
IF YOU WANNA WIN A COOKIE TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!!! my first win a cookie quiz had better questions……
- very good, you win a cookie[published: Sep 19, 2010, 18 comments]
do you want to win a cookie? if you do take this quiz and see if you will win a cookie!!!!!! ……
- would I date you? (guys only unless not 4 real)[published: Sep 16, 2010, 84 comments]
hi this quiz is just for giggles don't take it very seriously but be honest if……
- could we be buddies if we ever met in person?![published: Sep 06, 2010, 11 comments]
ok. this is a quiz that you're taking. it's to see if you could be friends with……
- the I hate Justin beaver quiz![published: Aug 22, 2010, 16 comments]
- are you at all like me?[published: Aug 22, 2010, 9 comments]
do you think you might be like me? some of these questions are about your interests and some are about……
- ummm a name for my me quiz[published: Aug 20, 2010, 35 comments]
quizquizuizquizuiz about something what what I words saying hamburger don't know ummmmmm keep writing……
- Crazycrazy time![published: Aug 20, 2010, 10 comments]
wordswordswordstalktalkblablabla. take it I guess I don't know it's probably not that fun I kept stopping then……
- i made this quiz fast[published: Jul 20, 2010, 7 comments]
take this quiz if you dare. are you a risk taker? dare to dare. if you can get a high score on this quiz,……
- Are you really you?[published: Apr 11, 2010, 9 comments]
Do you think you are really you? Some people are always totally themselves. Others try to be someone else.……
coolme3's Recent Posts
"Bing Bong Hi Ozz Hi Hunter's thread"
"I know I'm so old now xD 🍻"
"Feeling nostalgic and checked gtq, sorry I missed Ozz and the RIP Hunter drinks 💔-- having one now for him! Don't forget where you ca"
"1st time visiting gtq in years, I just cried a little seeing Hunter's thread is still alive"
"Idk my parents didnt kiss or anything in front of me either till recently actually and Im 23. But they live apart now till my dad retires (t..."
"I've been thinking guys are just dicks for a while now :/ For some reason I still keep liking them though xD"
"Tell me why every time I ask out a guy or tell him I like him why does the guy get all weird and avoid me. Like just tell me you dont feel t..."
"If I was in school itd be 17th grade xD"
"I mean kind of a good thing? Thanks?"
"Is so ugly? I think her face is kinda cute."
"I FORGOT HOW TO TALK TO GUYS. XD I used to be so slick I had all these "honeys" as my friend called em. Now its t"
"I wish I had this problem!"
"I was just remembering old friends. There were these 18 yr old guys I hung out with for a while when I was 16 and my mom haaaated it. She'd ..."
"Anyone have recurring dreams or themes/places that are in lots of your dreams? I used to get nightmares where my teeth were fal"
coolme3's Recent Quiz Comments
But selena Gomez is not a 10 ;P"1 -
yesss like my 1st car I miss my little 2 door :'("
1 -
"haha I got 17-18 I'm 21 xD But there was nothing older than that as a result so I guess close enough"
2 -
"88% tomboy 68% girly girl"
1 -
"I got a tie between Time and Death :o :o"
1 -
"67%... pfff, the other 33% must be gay then :P haha"
1 -
well I already knew that ;D"1 -
"I probably took this before, but 80%"
1 -
"50-60 yrs old"
1 -
"I got 64% of the squishy kishy "