My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I should work on my shop tbh
Removing you was long overdue.
I’m at that age where I can scold kids AND older people without feeling weird. 😂
I honestly need more than one day off per week bc this sucks.
I’m tired of waiting for Wednesdays. Now I gotta do it all over again.
My motorcycle got stuck in the snow this morning and I’m mad bc I really want to head out to buy art supplies for my new projects.
I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to get her out in a couple hours.
Losing a close relationship with someone will always suck.
I hate how everyone is trying to make rednote the new TikTok. It’s not. It’ll never be. Then they get confused when they get violations and bans so quickly already. The app is a Chinese app. Did yall forget how strict they are over there? They don’t even have tiktok and many other apps. That’s how oppressed it is.
Also, it’s very clear many of them don’t want us over there anyhow. But yall be desperate I guess. -
Ong I don’t even know why i agreed to this hangout tomorrow
I’d rather hang out with A….
I want to hangout in Atlanta again. That s--- was fun, riding around on those scooters.
I wish I treated you better. I definitely miss what we had. I hope everything has been okay for you. And I hope your parents have been easy on you the past years. I know you never really had the greatest relationship with them.
And I also hope you didn’t lose any friendships with those you admired in the past. Because I know they meant so much to you.
We all grew up, so I’m certain things have changed unfortunately. That’s kinda inevitable with growing up.
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