My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I need to talk to A now
Ngl i regret everything that happened back in august. Not the experience, but the person.
Ngl I’m tired of making splatoon s--- for my shop. I want to start my own original stuff.
Do it!
I definitely will. I just know they won’t sell like that tho. Which will make me sad.
Hopefully they'll like it since the other stuff showcases your skills.
Yeah.. :c
i apologize for busting into your thread uninvited, but i'm curious to know if the posts on the previous page were about me?
totally understandable if you'd rather ignore this post altogether. just wanted to ask because i'm genuinely not sure, and i didn't want to make any unwarranted assumptions -
uh yeah sorry. i had a dream about you a couple days ago and it triggered me emotionally.
I’m honestly disappointed in Shou. He ruined TikTok. He talked about keeping our freedom of speech and creativity, but then he goes and censors the app. He’s like the rest. Honestly f--- him.
I would rather have TikTok gone permanently than whatever we have rn.
Also having Inauguration Day on MLK day is diabolical
there's no need to apologize. i've been there before.
this might be weird of me to say, but if you ever want to talk, i'm open to it. but if you don't, that's OK. i genuinely hope things have been going well for you, too -
I’d like that actually
if you want to have a private convo, my discord dms are always open. but otherwise, i can try to remember to check this website at some point tomorrow/whenever you're feeling up to it
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