My thread:3
Thread Topic: My thread:3
I should’ve wrapped my motorcycle with some fake spider webs but I didn’t wanted them interfering with my turning/braking. Kinda regret it tho.
At least I have a flying pumpkin scarecrow in the back that flaps around.
yeah its mostly healed now but it still hurts a lil
omg that is awesome
I hate you maga people
hi arcane just dropped and i am so in love with the animation
Idk if you know how much I despise you so much right now. I ignored everyone and I was blinded because I liked you. You ruined what I had with him and you knew he didn’t like you, yet you contacted him and brought up problems between us. Ever since I met you, you changed me into someone I’m not. He saw me changing and I saw myself changing as well. I became sneaky and I felt so out of character. You did that to me. You made me turn into that. Never in my life have I had someone change me into someone I’m not.. I’ve kept myself anchored to my morals and what I believed and stand for my entire life. And you shattered that version of me and HE witnessed that. He watched me become someone different. He warned me so many times and I ignored him. So I’m glad you slipped up and made me see you and your true colors. I needed that.
Just thinking back on how I was acting a couple months ago grosses me the f--- out. I’m never letting someone change me like that ever again.
and I promise you this
if he ever sees you in person, he’s going to sock you in the face so i hope you’re smart enough to f--- off -
too broke
This mini vacation is gonna be a set back
Not being able to play splatoon until next week is tortureeee
Bruh I bought O a birthday present instead of making it myself to save time and this b---- is not shipping it. It’s gonna arrive late.
I can only rely on myself in life. 😂
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