- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Hi
well look another thing to worry about!
since when is it her choice!
everyone's alway's up in each other's beeswax and now you care! -
sorry I'm just depressed and frustrated
I know it's just things are hard for me right now and... *cries*
Samantha2332 NoviceAlly: Whatd I miss! You seem happy
Blue: HI BLUE! *pins you to the ground* -
do you guys want me to leave 'cuz I feel not wanted here
be honest -
Samantha2332 NoviceBlue: *releases* how are you?
I HATE HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Sp No I want you to stay :)
@Sam I seem happy? -
sorry I just am so depressed
no it's my fault it's just... *cries again*
@SP It's fine but if their is anything you want me to do to help your depresion don't be affraid to ask
thanks for the support guys
@sp umm when im depressed/sad i have a song i listen to...wanna know wat it is?
sure it can't hurt
@SP No problem :)
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