- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Hi
no it is -
Samantha2332 NoviceSP: You mean butt, I love hugs!
Ally: You put a smiley face, you dont do that most of the time unless your happy... or according to my friends, flirting, but considering that it would be insane in the brain if either one of us flirted with eachother (besides the you you KISED ME! Im still disinfecting myself! Too many germs comin from you), Im goin with happy! -
@Sam Haha No I'm not happy or flirting and witch friends are these that told you I put smiley faces when flirting?
@SP No it's not -
Samantha2332 NoviceGuys... that was a really late post... oh well
no I do worry about you and everyone around me but I feel like I just have to do everything and...
@sp its a metal song (ikr metal is weird to listen to if ur depressed) its ... u gotta listen to it on youtube... the song is
Lie to me
k? got it? now listen to it. -
Samantha2332 NoviceAlly: I was texting the guy I like, and he said something, and I put a smiley face, and they said I was flirting. And why you no happy?
Blue: Grrrrrr -
@Sam I have no reason to be and Right.
wish I could but youtube is blocked on my computer 'cuz it's a school computer
but mine has been more like a week! -
srry...well if u ever get a chance listen to it...
k I'll remember
Samantha2332 NoviceBlue: Idk, I like to grr... IM A TIGER, HEAR ME GRR!
Ally: You have amazing friends (like me) and you have a computer, and me! Your like my big bro... Ive always wanted a big brother, but no, I just had to have two cranky older sisters -
@Sam You mentioned yourself twice...And true but I'm just not happy right now I'm not sad or mad either
you don't even know him and how can you say that about someone you don't know!!!
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