Samantha2332's Profile

Joined on Dec 3, 2011
Status Level: Advanced
Samantha2332's Quizzes
- My Beautiful Mistake[published: Jun 12, 2014]
This is just kind of an intro type thing to figure out what people would like for me to make a story of or……
- Tonight Tonight Part 9[published: Jan 13, 2013, 1 comment]
Hey guys, sorry this took so long but I had no internet and no way to get on. I now will be able to get……
- Just Another Hogwarts Love Story! Pt. 2[published: Jul 24, 2012, 8 comments]
Well, this is where you meet the guys. There was one left out of this part, but I will……
- Just Another Hogwarts Love Story! Pt. 1[published: Jul 10, 2012, 8 comments]
Hey guys, this is my first Harry Potter quiz ever! Anyways, it's a bit long, and maybe……
- Tonight Tonight Part 8[published: Jul 09, 2012, 6 comments]
Hey guys, please give me suggestions on how to make my series better! I haven't been posting very much,……
- Tonight Tonight Quiz Takers/Fans Please Take This![published: Jul 08, 2012, 8 comments]
Just take the quiz to see what this is about. Well, pip pip, cheerio, and all……
- My Harry Potter Character Contest Winners![published: Jul 06, 2012, 10 comments]
Did you enter my character contest? Well if you did, here is where you can see, if……
- Would I Date You?[published: Jul 01, 2012, 8 comments]
Do you think you have what it takes to go out with me? Well, take this quiz and you'll see! I'm athletic,……
- IF YOUR A HARRY POTTER FAN PLEASE TAKE![published: Jun 26, 2012, 12 comments]
This is a Harry Potter character contest! I know there are alot going on, but the very……
- Tonight Tonight Part 7[published: Jun 09, 2012, 4 comments]
I'm sorry guys, that I didn't post this sooner! I don't know what happened, I geuss I just forgot. But……
- Beauty and the Beast's Love Story Pt. 1[published: Dec 20, 2011, 8 comments]
If you haven't seen the movie, then this quiz might confuse you when you get into it.……
- Tonight Tonight fans please take[published: Dec 19, 2011, 17 comments]
I'm a dude, your a dude, cause were all dudes, hey, I'm a dude, she's a dude, he's a dude,……
- Tonight Tonight Part 6[published: Dec 18, 2011, 24 comments]
So I'm having a new contest, BTW, PuffBall was the winner of my last contest. This contest is similar,……
- Tonight Tonight Part 5[published: Dec 18, 2011, 26 comments]
READ PARAGRAPH 2 IT HAS STUFF ABOUT MY CONTEST! So yeah I'm gonna have a contest and paragragh two will……
- Tonight Tonight Part 4[published: Dec 17, 2011, 11 comments]
Hey guys, the date is in the next part and don't forget to tell me who you like because in part 7 or 8, a……
- Tonight Tonight Part 3[published: Dec 04, 2011, 18 comments]
This is my favorite one so far and it has my favorite guys! I love sexy nerds! Ok so this one is only……
- Tonight Tonight Part 2[published: Dec 04, 2011, 12 comments]
This part is amazing in my opinion! SOMUCHDRAMA!!!!! I had so much fun writing this and it only took me……
Samantha2332's Recent Posts
"It's so late"
"I've never heard that one before."
"Check Yes or no by George Strait"
"Sounds good."
"You should. He's "The King of Country Music""
"I think so. Johnny Cash is pretty good too."
"Sometimes I guess. I'm more into George Strait though. Morning SG!"
"Yeah I'm a bit obsessed with it."
"Yeah totally! I know all the words to like every song on the radio."
"I'm just on GTQ and listening to music."
"What's everybody up to?"
"No it's beautiful."
"No it's beautiful."
Samantha2332's Recent Quiz Comments
"I guess I was still hacked when this went up because I didn't post this."
1 -
"Here are the boys descriptions for those of you who forgot.
Steven: White smile, chocolate brown eyes, brown Edward Cullen looking…"
1 -
"This quiz sucks terribly"
1 -
"Guys, I apologize for not posting. Lately I have had no way to access the internet until now. Now I have a laptop and it will be much…"
1 -
"sorry guys!!! Ill be on so much more now!!!"
1 -
"Mcqeen: Yeah, I'll try.
My aunt just had her baby so I'll probably be in another state for a while.
Sage: :) Haha, yeah,…"
1 -
"HOGWARTS LOVE STORY!!!!! I mean, it's only fair! It is after all what you're known for on gtq! YOUR HARRY POTTER STORY!!!! Please? I'll die!"
1 -
1 -
"I thought this quiz sucked balls. Plain and simple, straight up, there ya go. And no, I didn't get ugly if that's what you're thinking. I…"
1 -
"75% Cool."