Soap, Soap, SOAP!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap, Soap, SOAP!!!
"So, that Thomas guy..... Likes you?"
(you on?)
(sorry my dad thought i was on here to much and turned off the wifi >:(
(oh, sorry)
(oh and thanks your pro pic made me think of it)
"Ha! No, he just wants more. Such a greedy little boy..." I laugh and look at the ground. -
(made you think of what?)
"You mean, he's already got a mate?" -
(also: in between posts, could you go to literature on forums and read my chapter one then leave a comment? I think I might even get this one published...and it's based on this soap :)
(The comparison to the horses from a few days ago)
"More like twenty. Every girl vamp within twenty miles of here." I tell her. -
(oh yeah, that was cool)
"Ew, that's gross." -
"well, its not like he ever, like, does it with any of them. He just kind of owns them."
"It's still messed up."
"Ya, it is. But it's just how it works, I guess."
"Why did he come for you when he's got all those other girls?"
"If he dosn't have all the girls on his territory, then it's almost like he dosn't own all of that land. He can't own the land that me and Noah owned if he dosn't own me."
"So he can't just be happy with the land he has?"
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