- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: SoAp!1!1!
i stand up strait and shout jackies name.
"Why isnt she answering??" i ask
"i dont know , but now i am scared"
Carrotop Newbie"Jade, Bonnie! HELP!," I scream.
i dont hear her.
"Got any books about these kind of things?!" i ask
Carrotop NewbieI look at Martin again. My vision blurs. He's holding something shinny but I can't tell what it is.
"only fiction , not fact!"
"UGH! well what happens to the person?!"
"only a ghost or spirip of some kind can teleport a normal human being!"
Carrotop NewbieI try to stand but just fall down again. Something hits my head and I black out again.
Carrotop NewbieI wake up and my nightmere becomes real. I'm in chains I can't move. I try to call out for help but my voice doesn't work.
i yell for jackie again.
Carrotop NewbieI close my eyes and count to ten. When I open them I'm on the floor where I passed out. "Jade," I said,"what just happened?"
"i-i- i d-d-dont k-know!"
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