is anybody there???
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: is anybody there???
@ Takos: Iknowitsfinewhyarewenotusingspaces? xD
@Nikki: In your dreams.
@Sel: I dream about reality. Thanks for noticing ;)
@Nikki: Spaces are for people who can write.
Nikki: Cuzspacesareforlosers Jk xD
Flibb: *gets popcorn* Who-hoo! Lol -
yeah i know that nikki makeup makes me happy though. it's so artistic. beleive me i will do ANYTHING to have a perfect body when i grow up. no plastic surgery though... only if needed.
@Nikki, again: *snorts* More like fantasy.
@Sel: Exactly why I use them now. I can write so well, I use excessive spacing. Cuz I'm bad ass like that.
*eats popcorn* I haven't seen one of these for months OMG IT'S IN 3D TOO IT SO REAL!!!!!
@Sel: Yeah, you're right. My reality is a fantasy: yours. You can only wish to have my reality, my talent ;)
And excessive spacing is for idiots. Seriously, "cuz?" Yeah, I can see you writing.
selena: ooooooooo
Oh Sel, you have. Haven;t you seen me in soaps? Or in debate?
My writing comes with versatility, the ability to write in many a manner, depending on my given audience, as illustrated.
See my point? ;) -
@Nikki: I don't want your reality. And what kind of talent is being the future mother of eighteen kids and wife of a pervert? That's not talent.
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