takos_rule's Profile

Joined on Jun 15, 2011
Status Level: Senior
Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
takos_rule's Quizzes
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takos_rule's Recent Posts
"There aren't many people I know that actually go to cons, let alone read manga and watch anime. But I wanted to take a shot at asking..."
"f--- yes sunny. "
"I have a problem trying to confront people about things, being a procrastinator and being unorganized."
"Favorite: Math French Science Lunch World History Hate: English"
"I wanna go trick or treating this year."
"oi, that sounds... [url=http://discoverygc.com/wiki/images/thumb/3/34/Doge_(1).jpg/264px-Doge_(1).jpg]wow[/wow] i don't have "
"Anyone know any Dutch songs Not German, Dutch. Like, Netherlands, Dutch. Or Danish songs?"
"So, how's life going? Anything interesting?"
"Sorry. I just have bad memory .w."
"Meh, so-so"
"oh hello there"
"KISH. Its been forever since we talked and, uh, I honestly don't know what else to say. ._."
takos_rule's Recent Quiz Comments
"Omfg I was mentioned? ;w;
*is thousand years late*"1 -
"It says I should get a dog... See, now that's a problem, I hate dogs.
1/10 for effort."
1 -
"Split bangs are hideous."
1 -
Huh... I thought it'd be higher."1 -
"What does religion have to do with teachers liking students?"
1 -
"LOL. 0% bichz."
1 -
I feel...superior."1 -
"lykk ayyyy gurrrl leemme gett demm digggitts yo ;]]]]]]]]]]]"
1 -
"%50 xDD I love them. I use to watch Mark's videos when they first came out."
1 -
"18% xDDD Yeaaaaaahh, I totally guessed x33"