Why is Solangelo so adorable? Take 2.
Thread Topic: Why is Solangelo so adorable? Take 2.
Hi, someone locked my post because they thought I was 12, but my b-day was two weeks ago so I'm actually 13. Please check out my post, (why is solangelo so adorable?) Then message back on here. In my old post, when I said number I ment bumbed. I hate auto correction!
your thread was only locked because the mods thought you were younger, because you have to be 13 and up to talk on the forums- if you are 13 or older, then you should be good :)
Yeah I know. Kinda irritating tho. So do you love Solangelo or what? ☺
well, they do have these rules for a reason, for the person's protection and stuff-
i don't really know much abt percy jackson, i haven't had the chance to read it yet, but yuh u^u
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