Kiki rocks's Profile


Kiki rocks
Joined on Jul 18, 2011
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
13-Year Club
100 Quiz
1K Quiz
Top 40 Quiz
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Kiki rocks's Quizzes

Kiki rocks's Recent Posts

  • ...
    "SP11: Nm. you? lol."
  • ...
    "Kw: I'm good. And 13 now. :) You? (I miss chu too.) SP11: Hi. :)"
  • ...
    "Kw: Hi *tackle hugs back* :)"
  • ...
    "Hi. :)"
  • I have a question..
    "Clannad is one of the best anime I have ever seen."
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "It'll be okay though. :)"
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "kierra: oooo that sucks. :/ Mine are letting me grow up but I know how you feel."
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "azy: We'll see how things go. ^-^"
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "tori: thanks. :) and yes it is."
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "Thanks azy and kierra. :)"
  • It's my bday ^-^
    "Feels good to be a teenager. Finally 13. Tonight I'm going out for dinner and tomorrow is my friend party. :)"
  • Hi.
    "gtg. :("
  • Hi.
    "Cody: Lol. And that is awesome. :) Fg: No I think it's romantic. :)"
  • Hi.
    "Cody: Triple wtf?! That's weird.... Fg: Fall is awesome sauce. :D And sunset is awesome sauce too. :)"
  • Hi.
    "Fg: I'm actually glad the sun is coming back out. It means spring is near. But it sucks that it was burning your eyes. :("

Kiki rocks's Recent Quiz Comments
