Actually fuming rn
Thread Topic: Actually fuming rn
My cousin she’s 14 and her mum recently got mad at her for doing makeup to school. I haven’t been more pissed. It’s unfair to her that she’s not allowed to feel good about herself and her mum keeps saying uncomfortable s--- to her like” who are you looking nice for? If you’ve got a boyfriend or girlfriend go live and reproduce with them for all I care you’re not coming back” that is disgusting. I don’t know how to help her because she lives across the country does anyone have advice?
Now I'm angry to. The only advice I have is to confront her.
14 is plenty old enough to try makeup, what is she on about lol. she can look nice for herself only. who ever feels worse about their appearance after putting on makeup? that’s how makeup is supposed to work
....I'm fourteen and I do my makeup all the time, what is she yapping about- I would honestly just have to ignore this lady, or ralk to her about it. but I' do full faces of (simple)makeup and I don't think its inappropriate at all,
Fr I spoke to her mum about it and she won’t listen she told me to keep out of their business and acting like her child isn’t my little cousin
Oh is it appropriate to add that her mum is Asian as well so she is really strict and only cares for my little cousins education and not her feelings?
yeah thats appropriate, in my opinion. i think stereotypes exist because there are alot of people like that and also just because she fits a stereotype doesnt mean its bad to say that
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