What's your least favorite thing about school
Thread Topic: What's your least favorite thing about school
Mine is probably gym or constantly having to work in groups
It’s been almost a decade since I finished school, but I for sure hated math and the fact I also had to take recovery math classes.
depends on the teacher and class for me. i hated math last year because my teacher and classmates sucked but this year i have nice classmates and a good teacher. but for sure HPE and language classes
when i was still in school i hated math, and i had this one teacher who liked to put us in groups but no one else wanted to do the group work. it was frustrating
math, I also get put in groups wand nobody does the group work. I also don't like my science teacher even though I like the subject. I don't like gym either.
i love gym and group work 😭😭
i despise english with a raging passion though, we have a super strict teacher oof :(( class is always quiet and it’s so aaaaaargh -
omg wait I also hate English I hate a lot of things in school but next year I think science will be better.
spanish and japanese sucks. its just an annoying class and hard to memorise for
Not a class, but in my opinion my school counselors are the worst part of my school. They put so much pressure on the kids in my school to plan out their entire college lives even though we aren't in college yet, and they get paid to tell you certain things about classes (like how they told me not to take advanced biology this year because "the math in it is too advanced for you" only for it and math to be my best subjects this year). They're great people, but they have a crummy job
I agree with a lot of you, and math is really annoying. And group work is fine I guess I just prefer working alone. That's kinda interesting about the counselors, I didn't think that's something they would do
my counselers are awesome, super queer friendly, super fun and nice and always have stress toys and they make everything super easy. my counselor will call you down to his office and give you a soda if you have straight As, and he has the good stuff.
wait littlenerd do you have to take Japanese or is it a choice?
at my school you choose to take either spanish or japanese, but you have a pick a language every year. i'm taking spanish this year
my school you have either french or spanish or if you want stage crew.
At my school it's French or Spanish and idk if you can change it. I'm taking spanish
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