What's your least favorite thing about school
Thread Topic: What's your least favorite thing about school
I'm taking french next year
wait japanese is an option for you?? it was always french, german, spanish when i was in school. i took french for two years in high school and spanish for two years in college, but i kinda gave up halfway for both wish i didn't
my name was marguerite/margarita in those classes
I also hated working in groups throughout high school, got used to it eventually and no unfortunately in college even though everyone is a grown ass man (physically, I don’t think mentally tho) you’ll still have people who won’t do their part in a group assignment 😔 😡
True that's been happening to me in ELA, a kid not doing his part of the work 😞
the worst part of school is that I found a stall with a dirty diaper in it and I almost threw up.....I am still not the same.....
it was so digusing
but that was a while ago before I stopped going and took a better and free education
That's crazy
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