The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
Viktor woah
I wanna live in New Orleans oisadoidjsaoidwer
I really want one of those cute houses downtown from the early 1900s there is one where it has like stained glass windows and a gorgeous porch
ahhhhhh what's in the school air that's making me look like this.
uno dos tres quattro since seis
ding a ling a ding dong. -
the February bug got me.
April is almost here..
may is nice too. -
I'm soooo sick of people saying "its gonna be may" on my bday like jeez bro let me enjoy the now
I need to eat before I barf
I couldn't get that candy unwrapped fast enough but its ok I didn't puke.
i learned how to thread and use a sewing machine. thats kinda awesome.
my makeup today looked horrible and made me feel really crappy. that's okay I'll just not do it tomorrow.
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