The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
its ok. it'll blow over in a month.
i like this PFP :)
he's a tramp but we love hiiiim
who is this mysterious new confident fronter???
omg i cant sleep im so stressed about going south this weekend does he even remember what happened? because of what happened I freak out when he's outside or near wigglecars and he still wants to ride them and I cant ever forget that day and I never even got closure as to what happened....
I will be 1000 PERCENT overprotective and my moment can cry abt it.
dude I remember when my brother got a red slushy and he threw up bc he chugged it too hard then was like "MY PUKE IS RED" and was about to like freak out and we had to remind him he chugged a red slushy and that was the reason he threw up in the first place.
OH YEAH THANKS "GOD" give me my period then make all the period products at school unavailable.
what just dripped from the ceiling
I don't have school on Friday, thank goodness.
okay so I need to have 2 recomendations and a higher then b- average in art classes which is fantastic because I know exactly who to ask.
another thing is like why would I need a higher grade average in other classes if I'm going for a degree in art? science and math and history are going to be obsolete unless I minor in art history. -
and I'm good at math with art just not equations.
I'm stressed. I have to plan my first year of high school today.
if younger me, who was hoping and dreaming of highschool, met me today, shed be so dang happy and honestly little me is so cute I wish I could hug her but she didnt know she hated being a girl and I was really a they-
yap sesh over. -
ahhhh I'ma puke
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