The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
nah but like I literally just got bored and was like "I wanna open another rp" and made something up and it actually kinda works.
me, Louisiana, and the satanic temple have the same birthday.
there was a size sticker on my shirt
I'm hungry.
I made a machine in minecraft. I was bummed that the thing I wanted to make was for java but then I figured it out on bedrock and now I have the machine figured out. its a farming machine where it dispenses water and it picks all the crops up and flows the into a hopper chest.
im not very smart, sometimes i wonder if ill even graduate high school...
blud stop emailing mee
I could've sworn I was on the forums on Oct 3
apparently not
oct 3 oh what a horrendous day.
I remember one time I got food poisoning and I was watching TV and had a migraine and everyone was yelling and food my me feel nausea and this olive garden add came on and I love Italian food but I lost it, I had to run up and out of the room to sit on the front porch where it was quiet and I could try and not throw up. I don't like throw up, especially with braces. last time I threw up it was a hot pocket and it was horrible. now every time I eat a hot pocket I'll text Sarah "Im eating a hot pocket again" and she'll be like "ASPEN NO!!!"
maniacal laughter
maybe I can use my profiles off of based who's fronting, I don't have enough of them so I'll probably just use the alt types.
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