The Gala
Thread Topic: The Gala
dude I used to have rarity superhero figurine and like mature alicorn twilight where did those go bro like
yes I do still collect brushables
I'm happy apple jack and rainbow dash end up together (most likely)
I want to sleep but my core hurts too much
I hate audio books
woah wait I just realized I've been picturing Astrid as like Wednesdays friend from Wednesday but instead of blonde and white she has like dark brown hair and brown skin.
not a face claim tho, she looks a lot different if I make sense
omg I remember in health when I got with a group and played life with some girls and ig one of them saw my shoes cuz she kept saying "they" and like really loudly it made me so happy
So lets take it sloooowwwwww
ok I have to tell someone, right? but like its probably not going to happen- -
I'm only getting older
no way that she literally told me she made that mess and blamed it on us
I love girls camp but the music is a sin itself
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