should we make a 2025 member intro thread?
Thread Topic: should we make a 2025 member intro thread?
Yo, Madi. Look at this thing you forgot about.
i'll go ahead and make us a new one then -
21 votes who tf is voting where are they are bruh speak NOW 🔫
who used a second account to vote it's okay don't be shy
I tested out voting on multiple alt accounts on my pole on maple_the_idiot (hence the gibberish nonsense polls there) and it didn't work, it may just be me though. maple the idiot exists because I had a mental breakdown and for some reason made a different account idk-
orly? huh interesting /gen
Yeah I tried it right now with some alts I got and it didn’t make it go up, so 21 DIFFERENT people did vote, SPEAK 🗣
that's gotta be some kind of record /j
that's actually how I got locked out of uzi_doorman
these people need to introduce themselves then /j
i think i was able to vote while not logged in
Personally I vote on every poll I see
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