No Subject
Thread Topic: No Subject
Ong 😞
Can’t find my calc 1 notebook I need it so I can understand calc 2 better don’t tell me I left that b---- at home -_-
It’s so crazy that the curve in this class is so low, a 60% is a C, 70% is a B, and an A is 80%, not even my two organic chemistry classes had curves that low
It scares me tho, wonder if it means that the professor is a harsh grader in quizzes and exams -
I missed one assignment and went from an A to an F so fast bro
Need to dust the pc, it’s getting loud over the smallest things now
It’s so funny seeing people who started playing zombies in Cold War and upwards trying out the older zombies and they say how it’s harder and they can’t reach like round 10 as easy
Well I find it easy because I grew up with og zombies so I don’t see it as hard anymore, but I do agree it’s pretty unforgiving -
Oh my f---ing god using the way back machine on GTQ is SO trippy 😭🙏
idek what that is lol
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