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Should’ve expected it but still annoyed I can’t lift as heavy after not going to the gym for a month
Should’ve added in the introduction that I’m the best Josh here 😼
I know there was TJJ, but I remember seeing a third Josh around in my first few months joining here, can’t remember what his username was… -
It was Joshbrewer -
I’m playing if you two see this, Joshs together strong hope you two are doing well even though we barely interacted with each other, I can only remember ONE instance where we were all in the same thread at once which I find funny lol
350 Word response? 😂 BRUH this class is gonna be a free GPA boost
I wanna graduate and get a job already so I can save up and upgrade my PC finally 😤
I’m in an internship, for those wondering why I want a job in the future but I mention that I work lol
Should have the sheet done today. Writing Genevieve’s backstory is kickstarting the world building process for me, just gotta make sure I don’t get off topic too much lol
you’re all good! also what a coincidence LMAO i almost named my character that
Bruhhh lmao I fw with that name heavy, I was deciding between that or Eleanor
they’re both very knightly names, i’m excited to see what you chef up
Thanks that’s what I was going for when choosing a name for her :D
It feels weird being the one handing out quizzes to students because they are like the same age as me yet I’m here chilling while I see them get nervous ,feels like I switched teams lol
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