Hawaii is sinking
Thread Topic: Hawaii is sinking
i love how kendrick was staring into the camera like momo when smoking him though XD i love kendrick so much
i request brainstormations for what i should draw
trash mermaid
omg late post but you’re a genius thank you
i present (drumroll please) BC OIL SPILL
some stof i drew in lego :D
i need song ideas ☹
too many “I’M GONNA CRASHOUTS” lol we need new slang terms
petition to start a petition
i wonder who da best music artist is and which music genre appeals to people the most
honestly it’s very opinionated but it’s cool to see how personality traits dictate what music u listen to :0 -
people are such cool people sometimes
holi vecina 🌮🌯🇲🇽
thank you mr. president washington for our day off yesterday im eternally debted in gratitude
where to get washington merch
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