Hawaii is sinking
Thread Topic: Hawaii is sinking
10 - Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
sorr i like this game, im going to my main playlist and shuffling now
graaaahhh so many
first song im willing to art on shuffle???? >:((
i have commitment issues >:(( whad da hail man
lemme comprise a list
her (jvke)
die with a smile (bruno mars, lady gaga)
like him (tyler da creator)
ymca (village people)
gone gone / thank you (tyler da creator)
heart to heart (mac demarco)
donda worry be happy (bobby mcferrin)
harder better faster stronger (daft punk)
everybody wants to rule the world (tears for fears)
milk carton (madilyn mei)
break my stride (matthew wilder)
and any beatles songs cud they awesome sauce -
school ☹ big whoop
i love people so freaking much im going to spontaneously combust
i adore people with good hearts
i love volleyball
i love art
i love joy
i love people
i love everything and everyone and every place 💛💛💛 -
what i don’t like though, is bad choices/bad actions
i’d never hate a person. even if they’re the most sociopathic, clinically insane psychopath on the face of planet earth. it’s not them, because we’re all born with amazing traits, but it’s the actions we decide to put them toward that defines us
i hope that made sense 😭 -
i don’t understand all the trump hate though? he’s my favorite orange, i genuinely don’t understand. most reasons to hate him are taken out of context
i just stay away from politics for this reason though. it’s so ridiculously stupid how people will isolate themselves and oppose their families and friends just because they support a different political figure. maybe there’s a specific view linked to it, but i see it as having blue as your favorite color, and getting upset when your friend’s favorite color’s green because it’s the color of boogers
i respect the left side as much as the right side. i have friends who support kamala, and i have others who support trump. i love all of them 💛 -
i believe america should be led by educated citizens versus just one sole president to prevent a hitler scenario though
chromakopiaaaaaa chromakopiaaaaaa
calm down sit still das one mil for each wheel
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