Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
PrEtTy pLeAsE wItH a ChErRy oN tOp
aNd aN eXtRa iCe CreAm sCOOp-
aNd yOuR cHoIcE oF tOpPiNg
aNd fREE SpriNkLeS!
AnD tHe IcE cReAm iS fReE
aLL oF iT iS fREE
JuSt GiVe uS fEmAlE bLaCkJacK pLs
pLeAse SiR
It’s giving Oliver Twist
Phhhht shut up
So uhm I've figured out a new thing about myself...
When I watch childhood favorite movies, I realize how much I idolized the men characters and wanted to be them, and now I've actually figured out that the literal only reason I had so many guy characters as my favorite character was because of gender envy
Like, one of the most obvious movies that was a big wake up call for me recently was Greatest Showman because... The girl characters are all infinitely better, I just saw mister Zac Efron and went "Woah I wanna be like THAT" and ended up idolizing that character when in reality ZENDAYA WAS OBVIOUSLY THE BETTER CHARACTER (I totally didn't forget either of the characters names shush, it's late) -
That’s funny bc I was the exact opposite xD Either I had a massive crush on Zendaya (dw man be too lmfao) or for some reason I felt the need to be like ‘I am a GIRL >:(‘
Lmaooo slay tho
Ok but that seems to be a thing with non binary kids I talk to where they're all just like "nah dude, you're just crazy" but when I talk to the trans guys I know about this they go "OMG WAIT You're not wrong tho-" so it's very interesting hearing different peoples takes on this stuff xD -
Fr xD like idk if it’s bc I felt dysphoric or just not enough of a girl so I had to like highlight my girlness but either way lmfao
Lmfao yas -
Yeah most of my non binary friends just go like "dude I just like the better character duh" but I'm over here like "Mister Rewrite the Stars gives me gender envy-"
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