The Amelia Concours
Thread Topic: The Amelia Concours
You know I'll run
Ill run -
I wonder how you threw it away
I'll run to you
Ill run to you
I wonder who you are
This one never was special for us but it reminds me so much of you
Then what's the worst
Crying in the backseat -
Are you there
What did you get me
You already know
No I don't
I enjoyed it
I ruined it by doing it again
I just want to talk to you
But you're not there
Even though you are
You aren't there
I just want to talk to you or play games with you or something
But you're not there
I miss you but you aren't there
You are haunting me while she kills you
I want to pull my skin off and pour everything out until I don't have anything left and I don't want you to ever know because only she will and that's all that matters she doesn't have to be real
I just want to talk to you or play games with you or something
I want you to hold me but you aren't there
I want to pull my skin off -
I want to pull it off
How do I tell you or how should I say it
I want to pull it off
I want to pull my skin off so I can see and breathe and let all the blood out
Postman delivered
Past due notice -
If you call for me
You know I'll run -
Your strength will not be forgotten
May we die as kings -
In the backseat
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