The Amelia Concours
Thread Topic: The Amelia Concours
i wonder if you know who i am
do you?
I go up where the air is fresh and sweet
I get away from the hustling crowds
and all that rat race noise down in the street -
I wonder when this one will get bigger than the old one
I will probably refund my amelia tickets -
I said dont be
dont buy me
youre driving me to insanity
i just wanna
let you know
if shes in some random girl ive never met then thats who i want
if shes all up here
thats all i want
i dont want any girl to touch me and if they do ill -
why did you do that
and wave at me -
dont forget about her
spend the night
house and stairs look like mine
downloading different software versions
drive to athens
can i get your number -
hey son
ring ring
come morning
colours fading
falling down
throwing my life away not knowing what it would turn into
i have 2 hopes but really just 1
im playing the piano
they are my teeth
im trying to hard tap into my brain
i want to carry the big iron that isnt the gun
get off the road -
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