The Amelia Concours
Thread Topic: The Amelia Concours
i wasnt lying when i said that
i have 3 choices but i dont know which one to save for last
i think i do remake, then newer, then older
do i you think i might get this different arrangement from last year?
i want to keep doing the same thing deep down
i didnt get to be there for long enough
shouldve started when i was much younger
i hope my project is still unfinished so i can finish it
if this month is my last -
smoke a cigarette and lie some more
these conversations kill -
dont resonate like that
my eyes are blurry
i need you to go but want not literally -
Smoke a cigarette and lie some more
It's over for now
Leave me alone
Don't see me
I wonder why this intrusion
Maybe I don't want you to see me either
Grow up
I apologize
I'm tired of being asked this
It won't make a difference
I'm paying either way
These guys think I'm einstein or something -
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