Zero Dark Thirty
Thread Topic: Zero Dark Thirty
I just don't feel motivated for anything. Sucks to know that .y motivation can be shattered just like that
U ok? Or u still struggling?
Still the same.
My eyes feel sticky and burny. I didn't sleep well after that incident woke me up. I wonder of whatever that was will be on the news today...
I'm sorry. Hope things will get better. I really do.
But I can't go to sleep now because I just can't. So exhausted but can't fall asleep. I'm screwed.
Oh. Thank you.
That sucks.
I feel like my mind is shutting down. It's so hard to think of responses to people and it's just draining. But I could somehow have a million thoughts easily in my head. -
I'm just going to stay in bed.
That really sucks. My god, I wouldn't know what to do in your place.
Haven't gotten dressed. Haven't done anything. I quot today.
You don't have to keep responding. I'm not talking to anyone specifically.
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