Were gonna have a good day
Thread Topic: Were gonna have a good day
its so hard to find people who arent degenerates like im so sorry i love everyone but tf are some people doing with their lives
why r all men the same
like theyll trick u into believing that theyre different but theyre all the same omg -
anyways im protecting my peace because these people cant follow me to college 😛
no because security is the actual biggest thing in a relationship
valentines day is so ass i dont wanna hear abt ur chopped bf
Finally. Someone who put my feelings into words.
right lets not act like we really think these relationships are lasting more than a couple months
she is NOT ur future wife buddy
and its not because im salty i dont gaf i think this is the dumbest holiday in the world
like ur dating a chopped boy or girl for clout stop saying u love them u fake ahh child
valentines day is just independence day for hot people
thank you for creating valentines day so i can realize how happy i am being single
not me literally bawling rn
haha losers i have options and ur stuck in a relationship 😛😛😛😛😛😛😛
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