Were gonna have a good day
Thread Topic: Were gonna have a good day
i always assume im talking to people who have the same basis of knowledge but no
like can we both get a pamphlet with straight facts on it bc i feel like one person usually has no idea what theyre on about
help imagine not knowing what an asylum seeker is dude that's actually insane
like bro do your research-
right and people who argue about immigration laws dont have any excuse to not know what it is
its literally a quick google search -
also like no reasonable person would argue that america should be taking in people who are insane?
hearing abt a guy u used to talk to whos changed like a bunch is so weird
right person wrongest timing
idk its weird bc if i had known him like in college or something it would be way different
or like if i hadnt been in a terrible mental place -
my fyp bruh
"when it's feb 14 and everyone is in love but all i can think about is the boy with beautiful dark brown eyes that became lighter whenever he was in the sun, brown gorgeous curls, the cutest smile and laugh, funny but also had a sad side, and slightly taller than me who i never dated"
bruh everything in on point except for the curly hair bit
hply s--- -
guys cant do anything sober its insane
why do u need 500 tweas to say something a man in 1930 could have said stone cold sober
like hellooo -
i liked him bc he made me feel rlly cared abt
like i have issues expressing to ppl how much i care bc its generally difficult for everyone to show others vulnerability but he wasnt like that at all
like he just straight up let me know that he was there for me
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