Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
I am tired of everything, practically.
My brain feels like this.
I'll come back to that one when I can find a cooler picture. That picture is annoying me, now. -
I don't think I have any words for that except "disturbing." Well, "stupid" would also fit nicely.
Like, no. Just no, man. You don't do a lady like that.
I'm doing better, today, though. Yesterday, I wanted to kick someone in the....but, I didn't.
I'm being fairly good.
I just want a break. Is that too much to ask?
Yes. Yes it is. -
I feel broken. Like, I don't know...
I love Metal Gear Solid. Something about it is just so soothing.đź–¤
Strange how you find it so.
Don't judge me.
Alright. I don't feel well. Something's up again.
I don't know how I feel every single thing in the atmosphere. It makes my emotions fluidly.
Sometimes I feel so good
Sometimes I feel really sad
Sometimes I feel angry for no good reason
Sometimes I don't know what I feel
A lot of times, I feel really lonely
A lot of times, I feel so confused
A lot of times, I long for attention
A lot of times, I think their power's abused
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