Ripper's Edge
Thread Topic: Ripper's Edge
What's the matter?
Ehhh. House life.
Would love to move out, but my education, food, and everything else is the threat I'm given on leaving. I need to finish school, and there's no way to do that if I leave. I can't just join public school and...
In short, I can't leave because I have no means to survive and they're not trying to help, either. -
That is bad. I got punished for drifting off yesterday at homework time. Now I get double homework*sighs*
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get it done quick with no problems.
I don't even want to deal with school anymore. My mom made me stop in the middle of my math book just to take remedial math. I'm behind with half a year's worth of work in math, and that STUPID REMIDIAL MATH DIDN'T WORK! I'm not any better or any worse than I was before I stopped my math. But, they won't let me play any videogames until I get better. -
I hate Maths. And I like calm stuff but I love scary anime. I know how it feels to give up things you love doing
My mum says I need to do online learning. I will go on later if I can
I might not be here later.
What's with that thread?
I wanted to share our wedding day with people.
Not sure if that was necessary. I mean, the whole incident was an accident.
What are you saying, David?
I mean, you tricked me into marrying you.
You asked me a question, I said "yes", not hearing you, and next thing I know, we're married. -
Babe, it doesn't matter how we got married. The important thing is that we are.
You're sick...
But... -
Yeah, you know you like that.
I know AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL the things you like.
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