Keyboard's Kastle
Thread Topic: Keyboard's Kastle
You shouldn't hate yourself though! You were being honest and yes, he may not have felt the same, but all that did was open your eyes to the truth so that you can move on.
I ruined a friendship I've had since 2nd grade.
That's all that matters right now. Not the fact that he's not "the one" but the fact that I ruined a friendship I've had since 2nd grade.
How do you know it is ruined? Maybe he just needs some time, and he'll come around.
I guess...
I'm glad me and him are just friends now (well, if we are). I think we're better off that way. Right now, I don't like anybody, and I actually feel a lot happier than how I would if I did have a crush. Love sucks for me. I've dated one person, but that was because they asked me out and I didn't want to hurt their feelings. I broke up with them a month later, and now they stalk me, follow me all over the school, and talk about me all the time. I don't like it, it creeps me out and I wish they'd stop. One of the reasons why I'm glad I'm not going to school for the rest of this year.
Does anyone else here have a stalker (irl)? Or am I the only one?
Anybody? Am I the only one with a stalker?
Wow, I'm famous. -
I believe some people on here have had them before, but I personally have never had one.
But I go to a private christian school, so I haven't really had much experience with things like that. -
I had a stalker in middle school who was a grade below me and I had to go to the principal about it and file a report and it was a whole big thing
I finished a new quiz. I'm proud of myself.
Did it in under the span of one hour yay
Does anyone have bad friends? Or friends that annoy you? Because I do. I REALLY do. I love all of my friends except that one. I CAN'T.
I used to have a really terrible manipulative friend that I couldn't stand.
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