Keyboard's Kastle
Thread Topic: Keyboard's Kastle
Oh okay.That must be nice, no road noises, no train noises, no one is close enough to you that you could walk over and lick their window....
Must be nice. -
who licked your window?
There's a train track really close to my house, so my mom won't let me have the icicles that form on the house or anything.
Emy, it's a joke.
I know a guy who owns a bed and breakfast out in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma, and he said if he's close enough to someone where he can walk over and lick their window, their too close. -
Well, I live in a dorm in a university, so I'm unfortunately not that isolated. It is kind of nice, though. The people here are generally nicer than in the city, and the scenery is beautiful!
Same dragonsfire. In the middle of the night the train will go by and go TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT and it's one of the reasons I can't sleep well.
I live in a really good neighborhood.
Any criminal will be found by the police half a black away from wherever their target was, tied up with jumpropes.
No one really cares what you do, as long as you're not severely breaking the law. -
They're not allowed to toot where I am because there's a neighborhood. The thing that hurts my ears, though, is when they stop.
Ok now when I hear the word toot I think
We get to tour the house tomorrow.
Here's what it looks like (from the outside): https ://photos .zillowstatic. com/uncropped_scaled_within_1536_1152/IS3v0kwzbm6boc1000000000.webp (no spaces) -
In that picture it looks small, but irl once you look at it in person, it looks really big, and it's beautiful.
I'm so excited! We get to tour the house tomorrow!
That's great!
Yeah. My parents have worked hard for this, and they seem happy for once in their life. I'm happy for them.
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