Keyboard's Kastle
Thread Topic: Keyboard's Kastle
I loved Sao personally but some of the characters were bland I like the second one better than the first one
I feel like I'm in quicksand, slowly sinking, and not coming out. Soon my soul will buried and no one will know I ever existed. Has this thought ever occured to anyone else before? Soon I will just be a decaying piece of matter and no one will give a crap that I ever existed. No one will know my story, no one will know my friends... my legacy won't live on. I've snapped at so many people, and I feel if I am remembered, I'm going to be remembered by the bad things I did, not the good things, same with everyone else here. We're all just in quicksand, slowly sinking, and never rising.
I believe that if I will be known for anything, it will be for my loud strange noises, and my random knowledge.
And no, I've never felt that before. -
I'm going to be remembered for my anger issues.
No, you should hear my hiccups. They're crazy. And I sometimes make weird sounds just for fun and it confuses people on why and how I do them.
I make weird sounds for no reason as well, ask my cousin.
I believe it.
I hate myself rn.
A couple weeks back, I sent Jones a song called "Just A Friend To You." (by Meghan Trainor) He hasn't texted me back since then, and I just now remembered about that, and I texted him just now asking "Did you see that?"
"Yes, and I'm not sure if I want to watch it again," he types back.
I hate myself now, because we're just friends now, and I think I ruined it.
I'm crying right now, because I've been friends with him since 2nd grade and I fricking ruined it. I feel so horrible right now, and I just lost all my appetite (that happens when I feel depressed, and it's actually a really bad for me, and it's one of the reasons why I'm so skinny in real life). Uggggg why do I have to suck so much?!π -
I should know that no one will ever love me in the way that I love them.
I'm sorry. I've never been in a relationship before, so I guess the only advice I can give you is hang in there.
But listen to the song "Just A Friend To You" by Meghan Trainor and you'll get why that was a bad experience for me.
You already told me to listen to it a while ago.
Keyboard don't hate yourself. Someone will love you the way you love them you just have to give it time. You are young, you have many years to find your one.
I hate myself so much.
Thanks Rayne, I didn't reload in time.
But still, I hate myself so much.
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