Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
It's my mama's bday :')
Hmm but why bother attacking me
I'm more likely to not respond if I truly don't want to talk
"I'm curious tell me your reason"
"Your reason is petty"
Nice -
Side note but I chopped my hair off today :') pulled a Mulan
Actually never had my hair at my shoulders before. Always been long
So lightttt. It's like losing 5 lbs. I wonder if I can trick the scales now.
Also have felt really tired today for some reason. And I wonder if I'm dehydrated, which is likely.
Oh noooo
My ex admitting he'd like to kiss me.
After he basically left me for one of my good friends
They broke up but no bro you can't come back to me O.o
Nope nope can't go down that road again -
It would mean so much more to them than me
I want it but not them ajxneie am messed up -
You ever do that thing where you're scared to send something. So you hit send and then basically run and pretend that never happened š but then ofc it always comes back to bite you
I'd like there to be a time where I'm not talking to a guy.
Gosh there's always someone. Unintentionally. Always a "friend". -
Bro called me seductive. Said I was an attractive female lol
Like,,, I'm not seductive. I understand "cute" bc like I'm a small thing and I'm sort of shy. But what
Even Filipino boy told me I was playing hard to get
I'm so confuseddd. I thought no meant no
Why can't I have an actual guy friend where me being nice does not equal me being interested
And seductive??
I am a bundle of sarcasm and I'm pretty standoffish so idk anymore -
What happens when you put two people determined to be honest together
Well then everything comes out pretty quickly -
Hello person who apparently always agrees with me
Hello other person who says things I can agree with even tho I've never talked to you before
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