Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Eyyy not much. I'm just working a bit and enjoying summer ^^
How are you? -
oh it's ok, i'm just making a comment lol
easy to be confusing here -
I'm alright, just a bit tired here. Its been raining alot the past month here it seems lol
@lonelycoward ah I gotcha. I usually try to hide from recent posts so I must've just accidentally forgotten there. My bad. I don't want attention.
@mothincarnate I'm just as confused. You said public comment, but this is my PERSONAL thread. You do not have to click in here. And if it showed up on recent posts, that's my bad. And my comment in my own thread wasn't even attacking you in any way, you just came in here and assumed that it was. And now you're telling me to stop what you assumed. Please leave me alone.
@shatteredglass I know things have been crazy around here,,, but I have been here a while and I've never really caused trouble right? I kinda just want to be left alone here. Unless any of y'all want a friendly convo -
@cody yeah it really has been raining a lot. I think tho for me there's a tropical storm somewhere that's messing it all up
I like the rain and all, but there is a limit haha
Be good to go out and walk without having to bring a coat or something- Hot already. Plus rain can mess up my headphones too if they get too wet, and i like to listen to music when i walk -
Ah yes :') I love walks ngl. And I like the sunshine so the rain does need to take a break lol.
I don't usually listen to music when I walk tho. Just trying to save data or something lol -
Hoping it doesnt rain alot tomorrow here, just about a 20% chance or something according to this app.
Rain too much more it looks like the fields gonna flow over.
Sunshine would be good too, yeah lol
Understandable there. -
I'm sure you've drowned all the plants haha
Hmm well my backup account literally is called sunlover lol
Yeah :) plus nature is a good sound sooo -
i have only paid half attention to the forums, just deleting when i need to delete, idk what is going on half the time
Hopefully the garden is gonna be alright
Anywhere I go would be along a road, and alot of cars passing by lol
Especially right now with the fields how they are -
Hmm so you know you'll read this (not you Cody), but I did say I went into the garage because I was curious and BROWSING the forums. I did not find a problem there. I found an interesting collection of crazy weird but kinda fun threads, and it was confusing to me. But not a problem. Don't make an comment in my own thread into a problem.
And I hope your garden will be alright too. Ours is kinda just dirt and plants that are impossible to kill lol
I mean listening to cars isn't the worst right? Think positive? XD -
I dont remember what my ded is growing there, but it's covered with rainwater
I'll stick with my headphones for music instead. -
He's growing rainwater now lol
Solid plan đź‘Ś
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