Speak, friend, and enter.
Thread Topic: Speak, friend, and enter.
Although I'll be nice and some of the newbies are cool and likeable. And actually have a measure of sense.
But. Lord Jesus don't let me scream at these children. -
3 hrs of staring at fabric
Staring at fabric?
Ah yes im working on a sewing project
Ahhh. Going well?
Been sewing for a while? -
Yeah it's going pretty good so far. It's just a long process. I've got like 32 feet of fabric to sort through xD I'd say it's more prep than sewing
And yeah I've been doing a few things for a few years now. Not really clothes. Just simple stuff -
I see, Jasmine(that is the name, yeah? Keep forgetting lol)
What are you working on currently?
A hobby, yeah? Gotcha, StarStar (:
Good luck! -
(Yep, Cody :D that's the one)
I am currently making a bedskirt. But it's gonna be sort of fancy
Yes another hobby xD I've got a few lol. And thanks! -
(Making sure lol)
Good luck on it, yeah? (:
You're welcome!
Hiw you been today? If i may -
*hops on the thread just to steal Star's gold*
Yeeee -
Yee thanks ^-^
I've been pretty good nowadays. College semester ended so really I've just been chilling at home.
Hbu? -
Thata good to hear. Ive been alright, havent been much to do. Ready for autumn or sometime when it cools back down haha -
give me back my gold, thief
Lol but summer just started xD -
Never O>O
It's hotttt. I dont like the heat haha
Any plans for the rest of the summer/until it starts back?
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