The Official Thread Of Officialness
Thread Topic: The Official Thread Of Officialness
To get to novice you have to crate a quiz that a lot of people want to take. You watch your level-up-bar and soon you will be novice.
Well this is gonna get f---ing confusing my name is Silas
Lol sorry mate I'll use a different name if you want me to
I finally posted in that art help chat after like 50 years bluh
I started working on that post at 3am and now it's 6am and I'm like so hungry right now... but uggghh I can't go downstairs and get foodbecause I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks will wake everyone upbecause this house creaks like crazy and every step I take will be obvious and I'll get in trouble for staying up all night on my phone like a filthy millenial -
I'M SO SORRY GUYS but I'm hella tired and I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll respond to roleplays tomorrow ;( the light of my phone is making me have a headache tbh after all thay typing and searching
that* f ΓΊ c k
This is why u lost the spelling bee in fifth grade Tamara -
When you're not dummy thick, you're just dummy πβ gn
Sleep well!
Thanks darko :0
I'm gonna have a rusty and creaky neck by the time quarantine is over - from looking down at my phone too much -
My grandmother keeps threatening to take my phone away cause she thinks I'm some kind of disgusting phone-addicted millennial (AND SHE'S RIGHT)
My mom's trying to force me to play just dance
is kat here?????
Yee I'm here and I'm queer
Salutations π
And also good bye because unfortunately I can't stay long 3
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