Trolling Demon's Profile

Trolling Demon
Joined on Apr 14, 2020
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Trolling Demon's Quizzes
- the original Call out quiz[published: Jul 22, 2020, 7 comments]
Pour moi c'est l'heure De foutre à la poubelleMon cœure en bois get pour de bonC'est le crane serti……
Trolling Demon's Recent Posts
"You're pathetic. I'm tired of being around you"
"Couldn't even remember to turn on your stupid alarms. It's pathetic"
"Eggs you failed. Like you do with everything else in your life"
"It was always like this egg, today you just recorded her"
"Would it kill you to accept a hug once in awhile, the way you react if f---ing pathetic"
" watch yourself fade into obscurity and never be missed b----. "
"Don't worry egg, its better this way. Maybe now you'll learn to love yourself better"
"You forgot to do laundry again you worthless piece of s---. I bet the reason you'll die is alzheimer's, I swear someone ought to end you. Do..."
"Your writing is so incompetent it makes me laugh"
"You should be dead someone should shoot you you're such an awful person I can't even stand you you're everything I hate the world would be b..."
"You forgot to hide it you idiotic motherf---er stupid Emily always doing crap like this, this is why everyone hates you! I hate you!"
"https: //"
"You're a terrible person egg, and a terrible friend. You abandoned then it's your fault they're gone even if they didn't talk to you. You sh..."
"Oh really egg, you're just gonna cry about it, honestly this is why I can't stand you! It's not even that big of a deal and you're bawling y..."
"Ok bone bag"
Trolling Demon's Recent Quiz Comments
"f--- this"
1 reply0 -
"Lock you in a room for a year where the only thing you can eat is dead bodies so you become a cannibal"
In response to NeonSpectere:
"I am gross what u gonna do abt it"
2 -
"I got 40%. And I am your stalker"
1 -
"Why the hell did you need this"
1 reply-4